This photo shows destruction from Hurricane Dorian at Marsh Harbour in Great Abaco Island, the Bahamas, Wednesday, Sept. 4, 2019. (Al Diaz/Miami Herald via AP)
The northern Bahama islands suffered total destruction after the passing of Hurricane Dorian in early September 2019. Hope and Health Project is dedicated to aiding countries in need after a natural disaster occurs. So far, along with a private funder and other partner organizations, Hope and Health Project has pledged $5,000 to purchase medicines from a list sent directly to our organization from the Public Hospitals Authority’s essential items(quantities of supplies are based on 75,000 estimated population of Abaco and Grand Bahama). Planes will be leaving form St. Pete and Miami, arriving to the Bahamas where the medicines will be distributed. Please consider donating to make a difference that will directly impact the victims of this historic tragedy. 100% of your donation goes to this direct cause. #bahamasstrong
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